Bonjour from Mainline Wellness

Dr. Adam Davidson (or Dr. A as patient's like to call him ) is leaving in August for a year to live abroad in France. Dr. Davidson will still be very connected to the clinic but the reality is that patients will be seeing a lot more of Dr. James Kung. We wanted to shed some light on Dr. Kung so that our community gets to know his motivation for ownership of Mainline and what makes him tick.

Get to Know Co-Owner Dr. James Kung (Dr. J)

Dr. James Kung is an Emergency Physician at Lions Gate Hospital and a Clinical Assistant Professor in the University of British Columbia
Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Kung was motivated to become a Partner at Mainline Wellness to improve patient access to preventative care. 

What led you to become an owner of Mainline Wellness?

Dr. J: As an emergency physician, I've seen firsthand the challenges that people face when trying to access healthcare. Too often, people are forced to rely on emergency departments or urgent care clinics because they lack access to regular preventative care. When my colleague Adam approached me about joining an outpatient endeavour that could help fill this gap, I was immediately interested.

Adam and I share a vision of creating a place where people could access high-quality healthcare services in a comfortable, welcoming environment. Lets face it, no one likes to be in a hospital.

Why do you think intravenous iron isn't more readily prescribed to patients?

Dr. J: It's a tricky problem. There are a few reasons for this. 

Firstly, a lot of people in British Columbia don't have easy access to primary care. This means they might be missing out on basic health checks for things like mental health, blood pressure, women's health, and cancer screening. And unfortunately, iron deficiency anemia is another issue that might be missed. It's concerning because the issues I mentioned above are important and shouldn't be overlooked. Addressing them could potentially make a big difference in people's lives. Secondly, not many people know about intravenous iron therapy, including some providers (MDs, NPs, Naturopaths). This means patients might not be offered it as an option, even if it could help them. We need to do a better job of educating both patients and doctors about IV iron therapy and how it can help

To fix this, we need to work on a few things. First, we need to make it easier for people to see their providers regularly so they can catch health issues early. Second, we need to spread the word about IV iron therapy and how it can help people who are feeling tired or weak. And finally, we need to make sure we're focusing on basic health needs like iron deficiency anemia, so people can feel their best.

Please share a 'feel good' story about how IV iron changed one of your patient's lives for the better.

Dr. J: Iron deficiency anemia can present a challenge for physicians, as it can mimic other diseases and make diagnosis difficult. However, one of the great things about anemia is that it is theoretically curable, and IV iron can help in certain cases. As a doctor, I've seen the positive impact that IV iron can have on patients, particularly pregnant women and other patients who were previously struggling with weakness and fatigue. It's rewarding to witness how quickly their energy and overall well-being can improve with IV iron treatments. Moments like these remind me of the power of medicine to improve people's lives.

Please share a few details about yourself and why you enjoy living in Vancouver

Dr. J: I'm a physician based in Vancouver, and I practice emergency medicine in both the North Shore and Surrey. One of the things that really drives me is ensuring that everyone has access to timely and effective health care. I believe that patients shouldn't have to wait in long queues or until they're in a dire emergency before getting the care they need. That's why I'm passionate about offering simple, accessible medical treatments that can make a real difference in people's lives. I truly believe that even small steps can lead to big improvements in health and well-being, and I'm committed to doing my part in helping patients achieve their best possible outcomes.

Thanks Dr. J!


At Mainline Wellness, we are focused on improving the awareness and understanding of iron deficiency and iron deficiency anemia in Canada to help more patients get the help they need – preoperative or otherwise.

We are committed to offering safe, timely, and accessible ER physician and nurse supervised iron infusions. Speak to your healthcare provider to see if iron infusions may be helpful for you. Treatment can begin within one week.

Get Started


It's time to screen young women and girls for Iron Deficiency and Anemia


Don’t Have a Doctor?